Dear Friends,
The church is at war. This is no new news to you, but we
still need to be reminded from time to time that this world does not want
Christ to triumph. Of course this war is not one that is fought with guns and
bombs (except proverbial guns of truth and bombs of God’s word), it is fought
with the less tangible items like prayer, the means of grace and the truth.
Satan, although he has been defanged, still prowls about
like a roaring lion seeking for someone to devour. As believers who are in
Christ we do not need to fear Satan but we must be wary of his ways. I have
often said that Satan does not come and knock on our door and kindly introduce
himself saying, “Hi there, I am Satan and I would love to tell you some lies
about God. If possible, could I dissuade you from think that God is good, or
possibly can I convince you that your works save you?” No, Satan does not wave
a red flag with warning bells ringing the call of heresy. He loves to deceive
us, just as he did our first parents.
This week the church has lost countless people to the fight.
Many have walked away being convinced that God is not true. We have felt that
loss here in the PCA as a pastor has stepped down. Not over some gross sin,
praise God, but because his views changed on the idea level. Over this reality
my heart is greatly burdened, and my prayers go out to the man and the church
he left behind. We all have stories of friends or family that have walked away
from Christ, people who have listened to false teaching and followed after it
abandoning the teachings of the true prophet.
This is similar to what Peter wrote about in the book we
will be studying over the summer, 2 Peter. In this small letter Peter is
telling the believers whom he is writing to, “Beware, Remember the truths you
have been taught!” Peter is preparing these believers for when he will be gone,
and he is admonishing them to be on their guard there are false teachers who
would seek to deceive you. Now let me be clear, I am not saying that this
former pastor or the person who walked away are false teachers. Let me restate
that, they are not the false teachers that Peter is warning us about. But, I
would venture to say that they listened to false teaching.
Here is where we fight the war. First, we must be students
of Gods word. Through this we will be equipped
to identify and avoid the false teachings that would so easily ensnare us. Second,
we must be prayer warriors. We must pray for our pastors, elders and deacons
that their hearts would be guarded. We must pray for Christ’s church that it
might be kept pure.
Good words, Joel. Reminding us that the battle for hearts and minds always rages, even if we get dulled to it by daily life. But Christ reigns over all...