By now if you’re a part of NCPC
you’ve probably heard that we will be moving to two morning worship services in
February of 2014. I’ve been
thinking about this shift for years, and there are a pile of details to get in
order as we make such a shift in the ministry of our church. One of those areas is deeply relational
and personal to me, and it confronts me when I take off my pastor’s hat and put on my Dad
hat. Now admittedly I don’t do
that (take off one role for another) since one role informs the other and as
I’m more or less faithful in one it deeply impacts the other. But as I think of moving to two services, I find myself asking what impact will it have on my children and my family. Here
are a few things that come to my mind for all of us, some challenges, and some
The ebb and flow of our Sunday schedule will
change. This may seem obvious, but our kids are accustomed to routine, and
that routine is about to change.
Whether you choose to attend the early or late service, there will be an
adjustment. Naps for very young
kids, dealing with hunger during the service, getting up earlier or leaving at
different times all will be an adjustment that will take time. The good news is that they (and we) are
creatures of habit, and it won’t take too long before those new habits become
old hat.
There will be people (especially friends)
that my kids won’t get to see as much.
One of the things I love about NCPC is that my kids have developed
their closest friendships at church! I love that they want to come and see one
another on Sunday. (Now I
recognize that this is not everyone’s experience; some kids have found close friends at school, in sports or in their neighborhood and that’s a great thing
too, unless they are friendships that are dragging them down spiritually. If you’re interested in the topic of
navigating your children’s friendships, come to our parenting Sunday School
where we are discussing this currently!) But going to two services will mean
that some of their friends’ families might choose the other service and they
won’t see them as much. How can we
help our children if that happens?
Hopefully we will help them with the same things we can do for
ourselves: we need to seek community in a variety of venues. The biggest and most obvious is coming to
Sunday School and staying around for the fellowship time in between services. There
they can get some of the very same interaction they are used to every
week! Getting involved in
Community Groups, Youth Ministry, and other informal times during the week are
all part of how we go beyond just casual friendships to significant connections
in the Body.
There will be an increased awareness of our
church’s mission for our children to experience. At a meeting of English ministers in the late 1700’s the
young minister William Carey was invited to suggest a discussion topic. Carey had become burdened for the
spiritual condition of unreached peoples in the world, and suggested they
discuss their obligation to reach them with the Gospel. The leader of the meeting interrupted
him and said “Young man, sit down.
When God pleases to convert the heathen, He will do it without your aid
and mine.” Fortunately Carey did
not listen to this man, and instead on another occasion stated that we should “Expect great things from God; attempt
great things for God.” Carey
began the English Baptist Missionary Society, sailed for India, and is known
now as the father of modern missions.
Carey’s statement (even though it is about global missions) highlights
what we should be seeking in this change as a church. Attempt something that feels risky, but is an act of faith. In that attempt, we should have a great
expectation that God will actually bless the Gospel proclamation in our
midst! May our children see that
and own that mission for their life as well.
They will have a fresh occasion to think
through how they can use their gifts in the Body. We will all be called to think about how we can give
ourselves and use our gifts in this new strategic initiative. Why should it be different for our
children? Over the holidays, spend
some time talking about this upcoming change with your family. Pray and think and discuss together
about how you all might serve the body and the world in this new season of
NCPC’s ministry. Ask the
Lord to use this for their spiritual growth, that they might serve one another
through love (Gal. 5:13).
They will have a new opportunity to reach
out to unbelieving friends. Now that there will be more options at NCPC to worship, our
hope is to use this season of change as an opportunity to invite people to
church with these new options.
Pray as a family about whom you might like to invite. Perhaps they have friends from school, the
neighborhood, or a sports team that come to their minds. Talk together about the best ways to
invite people, and then pray for opportunity to do so.
They will see our church as a place seeking
to love people with the Gospel, and Lord willing they will learn to love this way as well. I pray this will happen in all of us. One of my great hopes
as a Father is that my kids would not only know the deep love that Jesus has for
them, but they would also desire to extend that same love to others. May our children grow up knowing that
NCPC is a church that loves people enough to tell them about Christ! And, may they see NCPC as a place willing
to attempt great things for God, and expect great things from God.
pray to that end in this great ministry endeavor. “O God, do great things for your glory and your fame!”
Pastor David